Sunday, May 25, 2008

Going Private

Hi! Anyone that checks this blog probably noticed as you logged on this time that it looks A LOT different!
It is still me, Dana.

I have made the decision to take my blog private. I have so many people in my e-mail contact list, I didn't want to sort through or send out a mass e-mail. So, instead, I have renamed my blog and it will go private within a week. Check it out here (Life By Moments).

If you read my postings and would like to continue to do so, please send me an e-mail an I will be happy to send you an invite. I hope this doesn't inconvenience you too much. Some of you may have to create a log-in name and password but don't let that intimidate you!

Thanks for reading and READ ON...

Here is my e-mail where you can contact me: